Pacific Railroad Brass Spitton (above) and a crazy assortment of old western stuff with brass spitton (below).

It really starts out with a vague idea causing the class to prethink on a topic they may not know much about (what's a brass spitton and does it hurt?) and allows them to gain access to any prior knowlegde that may exist in the class. Some adventurous students who are on their computadoras during class may google it but either way, they will use their knowledge as a community to come up with a picture using verbage. Then we can have them fully engaged when we present the rest of our lesson giving Langston Hughes a proppa introduction if you know what I mean (not through Not Without Laughter) .
Hey guys, I will come to class with a plan I think will work.If you hate it we can pan it or work from it. I'm not getting the whole spitoon thing. It does have the word spit in it.lol.
wow. a little info can go a long way! spittons were not usually cleaned or polished. White men would never clean them,just empty them.so, what is hughes saying? was he forced to do something that put him in his place? he does use the word "boy" in his poem frequently.is he talking about his work ethic or that he was in a position to clean something white people would not as a way of keeping him in his place?this changes my perspective of the poem and illustrates his genius in poetry.we can do a lot with this!
Is it ok if we are just introducing everyone to Hughes and not neccessarily Not Without Laughter
I like that ms. mongan is getting excited bout the potential of our direction with this less'n. Likewise, Ms. Behr Paint should not worry bout not using not w/o laughter, we'll call our lesson "A Lesson without not without laughter designed to introduce the reader to the style and majestry of Hip Hughes. LOL
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