Monday, March 10, 2008

Carnival, bye bye harriet!

What I found to be so interesting in Carnival was that Sandy got a rusty nail in his foot and to remedy that Hagar put fat meat on it! I have been conscious all along at the time period in this book, but never so much as this home remedy. I thought it was almost funny that they thought fat meat would draw the infection out.
Another really interesting thing was how the revival was the same week as the carnival. It is so interesting how the carnival, which normally means wickedness and bad behavior, took place during the revival, which is very pious and a reaching out to God and religion. I have to admit that I'm not too sure why the two took place at the same time. It did a great job at showing how Harriet is torn between the two. She wants to be young and have fun, aka the carnival, but her mother demands her to be religious, because it is what Hagar wants.
In the end Harriet chooses to go with the wicked, because she leaves her home and goes with the carnival. I can understand a teenagers urge to get away from her parents (after all isn't that what college is about?! sure was for me!) but I can't believe that she would just go like that! and leave her family behind. It really makes me wonder what sort of life she can make for herself traveling around the country considering her own biases and prejudices.


Mr. Wind said...

I can believe it, leaving in letting go is kind of my forte. She desires not only breaking away from the confines of home, the restrictions etc.., she wants to live life, and the adventure of travel and new experience gives you that sense of living that you do not find when you are stagnate. Of course I am changing my ways but that does not mean I will never learn to fly again. We cannot live our lives for our parents and our loved ones, we must find our own paths to happiness.

Ms. Behr said...

And I have to admit that when she went with the carnival I thought to myself "uh oh" because nothing good ever comes of that. I feel like Harriet is not like Annjee or Hagar, because she wants to have fun and experience life. I suppose one could almost say it's through the inclusion of singing that Hughes makes this a little more obvious. IN FACT! Harriet and Jimboy are the only ones who can sing, and they are the only ones who seem to yearn to wander..... hum......

Mr. Wind said...

When do you sleep?

Ms. Behr said...

I don't sleep :) nah... i don't know why this says 4:48 I actually posted it at like 7 in the morning.